Gather Campaign
An education that seeks to challenge and inspire both body and soul needs a campus suitable to its calling. The Geneva School will always seek to be a place where scholarship and Christian character thrive: a community that brings glory to God and good to neighbor.

Over 1,000 donors have contributed to build our campus home to date …
A friend of Geneva and an educator, Sandy Shugart, once said, “The scaffolding is built and the workmen are ready to whistle.” He went on to invite people to give, explaining that it is a “unique privilege to be a part of building something like Geneva that has enduring value.” He concluded by saying, “I pray that you will be able to look back in the not too distant future and say, ‘I was there, I had a hand in it, I have never given more happily, or been more happy to give.’”
Almost all of the projects in the Gather campaign are now complete. The workmen did whistle. The scaffolding is down. However, we still need you. Your gift matters. You can still happily give and look forward to entering this space and telling your family, present and future, that you had a hand in helping to build this amazing place–all the while humming the tune or even singing the school song, Non Nobis Domine.
Gather—A Movement in G (Update April 2023)
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How to Give to the Gather Campaign
A movement toward greatness always requires the gathering of those who are like-minded. Scripture tells us that when two or three gather in his name, God is among us. By God’s grace, your cooperation, generosity, and commitment to reaching this goal will help Geneva grow to its full potential. Give as liberally as you are able to ensure that The Geneva School’s movement will continue.
Our Movement in G is your opportunity to provide generations of students an experience of God’s greatness and glory through the wonder of a transformative Christian classical education.
Come build this legacy with us.
If a donor is gracious enough to lend us his or her family’s name for a particular venue on the campus, we would be deeply grateful and honored. For more information about naming opportunities, please contact Katie Deatherage at [email protected].
Have a Question for Director of Advancement Katie Deatherage?
Please submit the following form and Katie will be in touch very soon.