And the Cannoli Was Amazing
As our trip comes to a close, there is much to reflect on. The weather was near perfection, ranging from 50-72 degrees with no rain. We had great favor regarding the T (subway). Most of the time, as we were arriving to the platform, a train would pull right up! Every meal had a unique feel, from lobster rolls at the hostel to choosing a local ethnic experience.
Our students got very good at traveling on mass transit. We walked a sum of 32 miles, so our legs are strong (some a little sore), plus we could justify eating all the yummy food. Our kids get along…surprisingly well. Many relationships were deepened and horizons expanded.
We have new perspectives of beauty through art. We saw (and even touched) coins older than the time of Jesus. Our students have a greater sense of awareness regarding their surroundings and being alert on sidewalks. Only one wheelchair was used in only one museum, and only three train cards were misplaced.
When asked about my favorite part of the trip, it is hard to choose one. It definitely falls into the category of ‘the sum of the parts is greater than the whole’. Each individual activity, meal, conversation, or transportation experience was excellent, and every one added to the cumulative experience making for what Dr. Clark called ‘a touchstone memory’. Our capstone experience today was Mike’s Pastry…and the cannoli was amazing!
by Melissa Paul, parent blogger