College Counseling Events
There are many resources available that help educate families on the multifaceted process of college planning; however, parents are encouraged to set up an in-person appointment during their child’s freshman or sophomore year. This is the ideal time to outline a plan for the college application process.
The following events throughout the academic year facilitate Geneva’s college planning process.
- Senior Boot Camp: Typically the week before the first day of school. This event coincides with college applications going “live” for the particular class and is specifically designed to help seniors get a jumpstart on their college applications.
- College Planning Workshop for the Junior Class: Takes place roughly one week prior to the start of the school year (August). This event lays out the plan and expectations for juniors who are one year away from applying.
- College Representatives on Campus: These visits take place throughout the school year and are designed to give students the opportunity to meet with college representatives at Geneva.
- Fall College Fair: The National Association of College Admission Counseling (NACAC) hosts a college fair at the Orange County Convention Center typically around October each year.
- Digital PSAT Test: Administered to all 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students in mid-October.
- Financial Aid Night for Upper School Families: Takes place in early October and is designed to help students and parents understand the financial aid application and scholarship process.
- College Planning for the Junior Class: Weekly to biweekly meetings beginning in the late fall and continuing through the spring to continue to help juniors position themselves to understand the process and apply well.
- Classic Learning Test 10 (CLT10): This exam is administered electronically to the sophomore class to help them discern if they wish to take the Classic Learning Test (CLT) in their junior year for admission and scholarship purposes.
- Spring College Fair: The Central Florida Consortium facilitates a college fair at UCF or nearby location, typically the last Saturday of February each year.
- College & Curriculum Night: The purpose of this evening is to share the school’s vision for the upper school curriculum and to help students understand the choices they have for next year’s classes, along with the prerequisites necessary to enter those classes. The college preparation process with respect to each grade level is also be discussed.
- Advanced Placement Exams: The first two full weeks of May.
- Senior Trip: One last celebratory excursion for the senior class! Students depart after the Upper School Academic Awards Ceremony and return on the Wednesday before baccalaureate.
- Baccalaureate: Last Thursday of the school year.
- Commencement Ceremony: Last Friday of the school year.