The Geneva School Blog

Wisdom and Eloquence: Worldview and Formation

By Christina Walker

In this series of blog posts that explore the book Wisdom and Eloquence by Robert Littlejohn and Charles T. Evans, we have discussed why Christian classical education is an effective model to educate and equip students to be culture shapers, especially after graduating from Geneva. In a previous post, we discussed how Geneva uses reliable and time-tested methods of teaching that build a foundation for wisdom and help lead to eloquent graduates.
Worldview and Formation
The word worldview is, like many words, sometimes misunderstood. As we discuss chapter three of the book, worldview means more than “holding ‘biblic

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Wisdom and Eloquence: Integration and Inspiration

By Christina Walker

It’s been a minute since we visited Wisdom and Eloquence, but now we’re going to start the series back up.

From its beginning, The Geneva School has implemented the classical model of education, which focuses on the mastery of the liberal arts during the course of a student’s K4–12th grade Geneva career. During the medieval period, the liberal arts consisted of seven disciplines—grammar, dialectic, rhetoric, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music—which were taught and learned as interconnected rather than isolated or separate disciplines. For the better part of the last 2,500 years, great thinkers hav

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Wisdom and Eloquence: Our “Hope-Filled” Goal

By Christina Walker

Society is constantly changing; in the midst of that constant change, we are confident that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8, ESV). Rooted in his constancy, Christian educators are able to respond to the ever-changing needs around them and in their students’ lives so that they will also be able to impact society and the world for the glory of God and the advancement of his kingdom. St. Augustine and C. S. Lewis spoke of this kind of focus in terms of being heavenly minded in order to do great earthly good.

Reflecting this focus, Christian education has two “hope-filled�

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A Thousand Words

By Christina Walker

If a picture is worth a thousand words, it would take volumes to impart the stories, the adventures, and the virtues illustrated throughout the lower school building: beautiful murals adorn each classroom, illustrating themes from their studies or scenes from classic literature and transporting students and teachers alike to other worlds. Such lovely additions are more than mere decoration. These paintings enrich the lives of our young scholars, surrounding them with images that remind them of what is good, true, and beautiful in the world and in their lives.

God the creator made us in his image with the desire and c

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Pursuing Wisdom and Exercising Eloquence

By Christina Walker

When we think about the reasons we send our children to a Christian classical school like The Geneva School, we often think of how good it will be for our children: how the school environment, the curriculum and programming, faculty and staff, and other students will affect them. These things are important and certainly worthy of our consideration; we want our children to thrive and flourish. And students do thrive in a supportive, loving environment under the instruction and guidance of adults who care for their pupils as well as for the material they teach, and it does matter what kind of friends and peers our childre

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See You on the Other Side

By Christina Walker

Mr. Ryden, who is not only Geneva’s head of school but also a brilliant summer fun expert, wrote in The Courier recently and encouraged our community—older and younger members alike—to have a “joyful and relaxing summer break … filled with exercise, fresh air, play, reading, and sleep.” He reminisced about his younger days during the summer, which were full of sports with friends, board games, swimming, and reading.

Considering our devices consume so much of our time, setting them aside for more old-school entertainment can seem challenging. We as parents may fear, as Mr. Ryden said, hearing, “I’m bor

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Magic in Our Hands

By Christina Walker, Advancement Office

Do you ever think back on your favorite book from your childhood (or books … it may be impossible to narrow it down to just one)? Magic Elizabeth by Norma Kassirer took me into another world from the first words on the first page, a magical, mysterious journey that I remember to this day. For many years, my book was lost: it had disappeared at my parents’ house sometime between when I was a young girl and when I got married and moved out. I tried finding it online and discovered much to my dismay that I could get a copy for $200 or $500 (depending on if I wanted hardback or paperback)! One day,

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Victory and Justice, Awareness and Action

On Thursday, March 3, 2022, two Geneva seniors—Anna Mages and Laura McKnight—were invited to speak on behalf of Geneva’s Biblical Justice Club at the Victory Cup Initiative, which is an annual event that provides ten nonprofit organizations in Central Florida with the opportunity to represent and promote the unique ways they are changing lives in our area, making a difference for individuals and communities who are underserved or in need of support. At the end of the nonprofits’ presentations, a top award is given to one of the organizations based on a vote from the attendees; however, each nonprofit leaves with an award regardless of

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Life Lessons Learned from My Backyard Chickens

Geneva mom, Carolyn Haber, shared at the New Moms Coffee on August 27, 2021.

My ultimate joy would be sitting with you in my backyard, in the shade of my magnolia tree, to get to know each of you a little better. If we were at my house, you might be a little surprised by “my girls,” my feathered friends, my chickens. They are all named (at least, most of them are): you would see Wilma Jean (she’s the most friendly) and Fern (named by the art teacher, Mrs. Fraser); then there is Lurleen, Thelma, Libbie, Matilda, Eleanor, and the list goes on. This morning, I want to share with you five things I learned from my chickens.
Stick close t

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Athletic Disciplines—Work, Diet, and Motivation

By TGS track and field team members Ella Raesly (’24), Charles White (’23), and Josh McKay (’22)

Tony Ross and Gary Evans used our Geneva track and field facilities to train a number of elite Olympic athletes. Three of our varsity track and field team had the chance to interview a couple of them this summer. 

Samantha Dirks

This past summer, we had the incredible privilege of meeting a couple of professional track athletes and interviewing them. The first athlete we met was Jessica Beard. Jessica specializes in the 400-meter dash (one lap) and had a phenomenal

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The Geneva School
The Geneva School
July 27, 2024
  • Sports Physical Clinic

    Date: July 27, 2024 - July 27, 2024
    Time: 9:00 am- 12:00 pm
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July 27, 2024
  • Sports Physical Clinic

    Date: July 27, 2024 - July 27, 2024
    Time: 9:00 am- 12:00 pm
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Recent Stories from Geneva's Blog

Wisdom and Eloquence: Worldview and Formation

By Christina Walker

In this series of blog posts that explore the book Wisdom and Eloquence by Ro…

Wisdom and Eloquence: Integration and Inspiration

By Christina Walker

It’s been a minute since we visited Wisdom and Eloquence, but now we’re g…

Wisdom and Eloquence: Our “Hope-Filled” Goal

By Christina Walker

Society is constantly changing; in the midst of that constant change, we are …

A Thousand Words

By Christina Walker

If a picture is worth a thousand words, it would take volumes to impart the s…